Monday, November 21, 2011

Acorn Cookies

Jayden has a Thanksgiving program tomorrow and all the moms are supposed to send cookies. I saw these cookies online and couldn't resist making them for school. They're acorns!
Made with nutter butter bites, a hershey kiss, a chocolate chip, and chocolate frosting. What's not to love? Yum!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Pajama pants

I finally made something for my boys:) They were wondering why I always make clothes for the girls and not for them. So, a couple nights ago when I was talking to Jayden before bed his pajama pants caught my eye. 1 - they were too short (poor guy!) 2 - hey, I could make those! So, today while shopping I picked up some camo fleece. The boys really were excited, and Andrew thinks they can be worn for regular clothes. I might have trouble getting him to realize they are only for bed!
Looking all tough in their new pajamas. . .
This was their idea. . .

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Bubble skirts

Joann Fabrics was having a huge sale a couple weeks ago that I got in on. Yay! I couldn't resist this fabric for 50% off. It caught my eye and I started envisioning bubble skirts for my girls:)

Thanks to Grandma Sharon they already had these fun cardigans from Old Navy making this cute outfit!
Mariah thinks it's a princess outfit:) Bubble skirt success!

Lamp Shade

Last week I stopped in at Etcetera and got two lamps to redo. I've been wanting to try a ruffle lamp (different than the burlap one I did for my bedroom). I've got one lamp done. Here is it before. . .
And here it is after!
I love how it dresses it up so much! Just adds a feminine touch and delicacy to it! I'm still debating about spray painting the base but for some reason I can't part with the bright cheery yellow color. It's in the girls' room for now. Maybe I'll buy some green paint? I can see it with a lime base. Still cheery but at least matching the room:)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Cupcake cakes

First of all, Happy Birthday to my big 5 year old boy! What a gem he is with all his lovin & cuddles, smirkin & giggles, questions & innocence. I learn so much from such a little man and love him so much!
Has anyone tried or heard of cupcake cakes? My neighbor told me about these and I had to try them out for Andrew's birthday. I was thinking about doing cupcakes and this is the way to go! You make up your cupcakes, arrange them all tight together in the shape you want, and then frost the whole thing. Then when you serve them you can just pull a cupcake off. No cutting of the cake involved!
We had to travel with this cake, thus the cups "trying" to hold up the saran:)

Sweater workshop #2

Thanks Jill and Lindsay for coming last Friday! We had a fun morning of sewing and creating more dresses:) Here they are hard at work . . .
And the finished product. Great job girls!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Interchangeable outfits

From these two old long sleeve t-shirts (I cut the sleeves off the green one before this pic - oops!) . . .
I made these interchangeable outfits! My girls weren't really in the picture taking mood, so forgive the VERY bad photography!
and poor posing :) I have found out that getting twin 2 year olds to look at the camera at the same time isn't the easiest :)
But they love their new outfits and were glad when they could go play!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Newsboy (or girl) hats

I've had an image in my head of a hat I wanted to try making the girls. Today I remembered that Kayla's daughter had one in some pictures she had taken. Super cute! So, I asked to borrow it to get a pattern for my hat. This is her hat. . .
And this is mine!
OK. So I overdid it a bit and its quite large! We tried it on the neighbor girl who is in 5th grade and it fit! But, Mariah has fallen in love with it and it will make a great dress up hat!
Makes me smile :)