I was challenged last week with a new kind of project - thanks Tiffany!
I was given this bumper pad to make into a blanket/sleeping bag/some kind of keepsake:) Do you have a bumper that you're not ready to part with? It's just too cute to use for only 6 months?
Turn it into a "napper"! (Kind of like a sleeping bag or a cushion/blanket/pillow combo:)
I started by removing all the binding from the bumper pad. Then cut the bumper into 3 equal parts. Open the top and bottom seams. Align the 3 bumper pieces side by side and re-sew seams together (tops to tops and bottoms to bottoms). Throw a piece of fleece fabric on top to fit and use ribbon for binding. I made a pillowcase and attached it to the top for ease with washing the napper.
It actually turned out almost the same size as a sleeping bag, so her son should be able to use this for years to come!