Friday, May 11, 2012

Shirt to romper

Several years ago I bought two similar polo shirts and wore them for a while.  Then passed them on to my sister to wear for a while.  She then passed them back to me.  And now they are going to my girls:)  Yes, I think I am getting my money out of these shirts!  

I saw this romper on zulily and thought it would be a fun sewing project to do for the girls.  

So, when I retired these polos to the re-purposing stash, I decided to try the romper idea out.

As Pioneer Woman would say, "Here is the cast of characters".  But actually I guess if this were truly the "cast of characters" there would be a scissors, sewing machine, and serger:)  I'm just showing you the 2 original polo shirts and the tank and shorts I used as a pattern to make the romper.

I love the ruffle collar on the zulily romper, but thought the buttons were enough for these.  Can you believe I didn't do ruffles?

Summertime here we come!

Lined curtains

My sister-in-law wanted panel curtains for 3 windows in her living room.  These are the first curtains I have lined and I thought they turned out great!  Made them look so professional!  haha
This is the back of the curtain.  The white fabric is the lining.

 The best part was the fabric she bought for me to work with.  It was from Ballard designs and I could tell it was good quality!!!  It sewed up so nicely!  
Thanks Perri for letting me make these!  I hope you enjoy them!

New sewing spot

I told you it was coming, and here it is!  My new corner:)  I took the kids' toy cupboards and made them my fabric storage.  Now I can actually see what I have rather than sorting through totes!
 Both machines (serger and regular sewing) and ironing board set up at all times.  Now this is big!  AND they are all plugged in so I don't have to reach down and plug in the machine I want to use!  Big bonus!!!  :) Plenty of room to cut out.  Plenty of room to lay fabric out.  I'm loving it!  Just need to spruce up the walls but that can come later.