Thursday, October 13, 2011

New craft blog/Workshop

I decided to make an outlet for all my creative imaginations and inspirations! For about the past year or so I have been surfing the craft blog world and loving it! There are so many fun projects and ideas out there! Once I started trying some of the fun ideas I saw I couldn't wait to share them with someone. My family had to get e-mailed pictures of my creations and ooh and aah over them for me. Now I decided to just post here and if you are interested you can follow and comment! I'd love to hear from you!

First off, I am trying something new and having a workshop. You can come and learn how to make a sweater dress for a toddler girl from an adult sweater you are ready to pass on. Anyone is welcome to come, and pass the word if you know someone who is interested. Two people have already told me they would love to learn how but can't make this date. We will be setting another date, so let me know if a different time would work for you too! Thanks!

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