Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sweater dress workshop

I'd say the sweater dress workshop was a success! Thanks to Jenni, Joan, Sara, Jackie, and Traci (not pictured) for attending! This is the before shot (except we switched sweaters on Jackie after this pic)
Hard at work! Mike couldn't believe how quiet we all were. We were women with a mission!
Jackie's dress for her 3 year old niece. I think it turned out so cute with a folded down neck. She wants to embellish with some big buttons - so fun!
Jenni's dress for her 1 year old daughter. Great job!
Joan's dress for her 3 year old daughter. We were seeing fun leggings, a brown or cream embellishment, or matching hairbows with this. Maybe even a belt? So many options!
Great job everyone and hope you enjoy your creations!

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