Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I don't think I have mentioned on here yet that I am selling some of my creations at Objects in Eureka! Go check them out! Also, feel free to contact me anytime if you would like something you see on my blog (or elsewhere for that matter). Anything I make I am willing to remake for you:) I love trying new things so if there is something out there (on pinterest or anywhere) and you aren't interested in trying yourself, let me give it a try! Recently I made the following items for people who contacted me or to sell at Objects in Eureka. . . sweater dresses, shower curtain, lampshades, slippers for toddler girls, hats, burlap ties for toddler boys, and bibs.

A while ago I refurbished this lamp. Here it is straight from Etcetera shop.
And this is how I sold it at Objects. Go check the store out. It has all kinds of unique gifts!

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